I am planning on doing a run down of the last year on each person. I realized that I need to download Photos so that it is a funner post. Man a year flies by so fast any more. But the last 10 have felt like a flash!
May 7, 2013
A catch up
Posted by Deb Williams at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family
Jan 8, 2013
The goal...
Every new year I laugh off the the joke of making resolutions...they seem to be so unattainable! So instead of making a goal that I knew I could not Or would not Keep I thought I would make one that I thought I could! So my goal for this year Is to start writing on my blog once a week. It doesn't have to be profound or long just a note to mention what is going on in our little world...and keeping you all in formed (and maybe making this worth making into a memory book)! so If you catch me slacking call me on it I want you to!!!
Posted by Deb Williams at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Aug 27, 2012
Photo Book
Click here to view this photo book larger
Posted by Deb Williams at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Aug 23, 2012
Photo Book
Click here to view this photo book larger
Posted by Deb Williams at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Jul 31, 2012
My Photo Book
Click here to view this photo book larger
Posted by Deb Williams at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Jun 6, 2011

But about 5 months ago I started seeing more and more ladies at church posting about coupons and how to get things for next nothing...
HMMMMM! Maybe it is worth looking into if that is the case! I have to tell you that I was a little skeptical then my sister Jen
On my first shopping trip I mapped out the store sales with coupons and to my shock I saved almost 50%
We found the more we used the techniques we saved more and more.
We aren't calling the extreme couponing show yet...LOL But we are getting better and better every day! My best savings so far is 70%!
We have come up with our own ways for cutting and using coupons that work for us. We also spot deals and let each other know so that we can get all the best deals.
We have also set up mom and Risa too!
I think it is a good thing to teach them to save money!
I have gotten some good deals!!
I have gotten with coupons and sales together:
razors for free
floss for free
shampoo for free
tooth paste for free
sweet potato fries free
to name a few
I have gotten :
Full bottles of finesse shampoo for .90 cent each
BBQ sauce for .42 Cents each
baby flush-able wipes for .62 cents each
and it goes on and on getting things for pocket change!
There are a couple of things I have learned:
#2 Set a shopping amount limit and never go over that...it is tempting to wanna hit every good sale. Pace yourself there are always going to be more sales every week!
#3 It does save money! Try it! Here are a few site I use: Couponmom.com thefrugalfind.com & thekrazycouponlady.com
#4 Last but not least you are not ripping the store off...the manufacturer will pay the store they money back for the coupon and every one wins! You buy the manufacturers product the store gets there money and you SAVE!!!
Posted by Deb Williams at 1:52 PM 0 comments
May 30, 2011
Aug 6, 2010
the last few months!
#1 Josh was in a car accident. He fell asleep at the wheel and drifted into the truck next to him. The truck won. It was an F 450 utility truck. The maroon XB was totaled.
As for Josh....he had a bruise on his chest from the seat belt...other than that he was not injured..(THANK GOODNESS)!!!! the cars frame was bend at the door hinges and was more work and $$$$ than the insurance wanted to pay. So we are now down to 1 XB again!

#6 a few days later Ella was sitting in front of the tv watching a kids show all of the sudden she yells I lost my tooth...she played with the next loose tooth until it popped out...LOL By the end of the week she had cashed in $10. She was so excited. When we went to the store she bought a hungry hungry hippo game and finger nail polish. She keeps feeling for more loose teeth but hasn't found any yet....
#8 We moved. We made a big move closer to Josh's work. It was a needed thing because the drive was getting the best of him. we are now about 20 mins from his work. We are in a great new church ward. It is multicultural I love the diversity of the people. I was at the church for a meeting and got to hear the Polynesian ward chior practise...it was so amasing the way the music sounded!!!
#9 We got to see Ivie grow for almost a year! she is the funnest, funniest kid. We really miss her giggles and her fun personality. She took over all our hearts and when we left it was like leaving one of our kids behind....But Risa would have kicked my butt if we tried to take her with us...I told her we have to set up visitation...because we need our Ivie fixes!
#10 I have lost weight...I am down 4 inches in my waist 2 in my arms and 2 and a half in my legs...not sure how much weight...I don't have a scale!
Posted by Deb Williams at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Feb 16, 2010
Feb 9, 2010
Brandons latest!
Posted by Deb Williams at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Dec 18, 2009
Dec 17, 2009
Filling in the blanks...
Ok so for Halloween the kids dressed upas an Angle and Woody from toy story. Brandon LOVES toystory right now!
On halloween Day the whole family went to the pumpkin patch we play with the animals, fed them, rode the train, had a hay ride and had some yummy food...then home to trick or treat!
After breaking my my toe Risa and her hubby moved in to help us out....I can't drive while in the boot/cast! Now we get play with this beauty everyday!
Posted by Deb Williams at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Dec 10, 2009
a little catch up...more to come!
I did a good job you got love the right foot second toe in from the big one...the one that is off to the right! yeah it was worse when i first did it...GROSSSSS!!!
I preceded to break it and really mess it up by kicking the table leg while trying to scoot out from the table...so bad that he had to numbing and twist it and pull it out into place...OUCH!
An yet again a week ago I kick the table leg again....I am seeing a pattern here!
this time it was healed enough that i re broke a bit...but back in a boot for the next four weeks but at least I can walk a little bit!!!
Posted by Deb Williams at 1:43 PM 0 comments