So here is the story... about 9 days ago I notice that the tip of Brandon's finger looked a little inflamed. I wanted to see if it hurt so I pinched his finger lightly to see if it was bugging him and the flinch of pain that come from him made me feel horrible. I took him to Josh and showed him the finger and even though it wasn't to bad I figure I would make an appointment for a day later. The next day we were all in my room and Brandon took a header into my bed frame and gashed his ear open. I called the advise nurse to see what I should do because it was bleeding but not to bad. They had me come in to check his head. I had them make an appointment for Ella and him...Ella said her throat hurt and I had just gotten over strep throat and I didn't want to play with that.
So we went to the Dr office and Josh met us there because the kids were due for some shots. The doc checked his ear and in his ear and there was no damage but the huge goose Egg behind his ear and the cut on his ear. Then I told her about his finger and she said oh it looks I tiny bit infected and prescribed some Antibiotics to clear it up....( Ella's throat culture was neg she was just copying mommy...when Ella would offer me Hard food I would tell her my throat hurt...she just copied me)...any way after 4 days his finger was looking NASTY. I mean it had gotten bigger and and puss infected and there was no sign of it getting better. My Dr. wasn't in so we had to see a new dr. They lanced it and let me tell you how fun that is to do to a 1yr old baby! (They did a bacterial culture from the (CLEAR PUSS) and it came back negative for Bacteria...(hummm)
Ok so this Dr. gave him a antibiotic that was for infections that were resistant to antibiotics...
Into the 4th day of this 2nd treatment this is how the finger was looking....
there was another Lancing and squeezing...poor guy. they did three more tests one more Bacterial and 2 viral...yes in like a cold soar...herpes. They think that he has herpes on his finger tip. The doc brought in a book to show me what it looks like and sure enough the tissue under your fingers can get a "cold sore". ( when I first got to looking at the picture I saw this awful swollen thing that looked like guy genitalia...And I was thinking Oh man poor little guy this is gunna get way worse....then the doc points at a picture on the other page and i realize that I was looking at guys part...Oops I had to laugh to myself about how big of a dork I was)!
So they put him on some Anti-viral meds and for the first time in over a week he slept HARD it freaked me out!
It hasn't even been a day and the finger is less red and swollen....hope full it is all down here from now!
It hasn't even been a day and the finger is less red and swollen....hope full it is all down here from now!
Holy Crap that looks horrible. I am glad they were able to figure it out. That HAS GOT TO HURT!!!!!
Holy crap! Poor little guy. Hope he gets better soon. ----S
Is he doing better?----S
yes I will do an up date to show every one!
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