so this last weekend my parents came out and we had Brandon Blessed finally! My dad did it and it was so wonderful. it was fast and spur of the moment but I am glad it worked out.
It was nice having then here and spending time with them. I haven't seen them in about 4-5 months. we just relaxed and hung out and Dad Made Pies...Now that is the life! Umm Ummm GOOOOOOD!
Mom has a new cute short hair cut. Dad is just as cute as always. They even made some cards with us for his work competition. My dad is even good at making cards...Not a shocker I think he is good at everything he does. He also liked all the punches brads and the eyelet setting kit...who knew making cards could be so fun! It was nice and relaxing. I also think we got my dad interesting in card making! hey it is fun for the whole family!
Any way that is the latest and Greatest!
Love you all!
That's cool you got to see your parents. I like your moms hair. I think it makes her look younger.
I can't belive how much he looks like his grandpa. he looks more like him than his kids do. Funny how that is. He is strong. Preston just barley started crawling this week and still not that good. He is like a month older right? Is he walking?
Shanda I am gald to see you out in blog space!!!!! Brandon will be 10 months on seventh. We has been standing and trying to walk since 9 months he walks accross the living room now and can stop to pick things up and stand back up...He trying super hard to groe up FAST!
Shanda go to Mels and have her teach you how to make a blog so you can do one too...I would love to see pics and hear storys of how you and you rhubby and kidlets are doing.
so I was going to say something about the bad eggs but we have always been able to prove a point.Thanks for making me laugh.Youre so good at making me laugh I sure do miss you
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