Aug 20, 2007

Im going to work!!

So we all woke up on Thursday morning and Josh was getting ready for work. I was taking care of Brandon changing him and getting him fed. All the sudden Ella comes in Letting us know that she was going to work With Daddy! She said" I have to go to work today with Daddy"! This is what a two year old puts together to go to work with Daddy!

Yes she even put her shoes one!

Notice her briefcase of toys and books. She was so sad when Josh left with out her. I gave her something to eat and she calmed down but continually kept asking where Daddy was!

Later that she was playing and she got caught between the wall and the toy box she was playing in!
This is how my kids watch TV when I am not looking...cuz that looks so comfy don't you think!!!

This is Ella's Pose for pictures! She thinks that ths is the "SUPER CUTE" look!


Dee said...

That is too cute! She is so adorable.

Thanks for the ideas on helping her gas/poop problem. I'll try anything at this point. She's normally so happy except when she needs to go.

Also, you had asked if we wanted Ella's clothes. My first inclination was to say heck yes, but, after thinking about it, I'd say if you know someone else who needs them please give them to them. Riley already has so many clothes and has lots of family spoiling her weekly with more. I'd rather see them given to someone who really needs them. Thank you though!

my--four--sons said...

Did Josh feel bad? Rick always feels so bad when the boys want to go to work with him and he has to say no. He has taken Adam a couple of times and they think they shouls be able to go too.

Poor kids they just love their daddies don't they.

Deb Williams said...

No prob Dee. Brandon struggled with gas and sometimes hard time going too. we had to get tricks down.

Yeah josh felt broke his heart to leave her behind. But he couldnt take her!